Kingdom Growth Network is a registered Non-Profit awaiting 501(c)3 status. Our mission is to assist, educate, and empower Entrepreneurs who are pursuing their path of Business Ownership.
Kingdom Growth Network was born out of a need to bring change on a global scale.
While on a mission trip in Eurasia, it became apparent that the current business climate was stacked against new Entrepreneurs. The median wages were set so that middle class workers must work 2-3 full-time jobs in order to make enough just to cover their monthly expenses. Most husbands/fathers had to find tourist work away from their families each season so that they can provide the way a husband or father should. This led to fatherless households.
The impact is not just in Eurasia. Countries such as Haiti and Ukraine rely on local businesses in order to stimulate their economy. If Entrepreneurs cannot afford the help they need to get started, then the economy suffers. If the economy suffers, then that leaves the country susceptible to foreign businesses entering the job market with lower wages and potentially corrupt ideologies. Even in the United States husbands and fathers are having to travel or live away from their wives and children in order to make a living - storm chasing, welding jobs, etc. The goal of Kingdom Growth Network is to help local businesses have a chance to stimulate their own economy using Christian values.
Feeling called to be an Entrepreneur is a blessing, but it is hard to know where - or how - to start. Kingdom Growth Network is designed to be a non-profit that provides Entrepreneurs and struggling Business Owners the planning, coaching, and resources needed to assist them in their calling. James 4 tells us that we should not focus on in what city we will make a profit, but that we should focus on what the Lord wills. It's all too easy to stress about the current situation, and forget why we were called to the path we are on.
Nathan - an Owasso native - is a lifelong learner and disciple of Jesus. He and his wife Sarah share a passion for International Missions and have spent their lives in the pursuit of helping others. Sarah - a Stillwater native - is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Tulsa focusing on pediatrics.
They have been married for 13 years and have 3 children ages 11 years and younger.